Now Reading: “Love’s Tug of War: Embracing the Bid Battle”

January 1, 2024 / Mondy Dorsainvil

“Love’s Tug of War: Embracing the Bid Battle”


Today, we’re delving into the dynamic world of relationships, with psychologist John Gottman as our guide, unraveling the secrets of the tug of war in love. Get ready to pull, resist, and navigate the bid battle in the ultimate relationship showdown!

Imagine a fierce tug of war, where couples engage in a relentless battle of connection. Enter Gottman, our relationship maestro, who’s been dissecting these bid battles for decades in his love lab. Spoiler alert: it’s not about sheer strength; it’s about deciding whether to pull your partner closer or let go.

In Gottman’s universe, bids are the subtle tugs we throw into the arena of love—whether it’s a sweet gesture, a shared laugh, or a simple “How was your day?” These bids are the heartbeat of connection. Now, listen up, ’cause this is where the tug of war gets intense.

Couples who master the art of “pulling closer” are like champions in the tug of war arena, working together with synchronized strength. They acknowledge, embrace, and respond to each other’s pulls with finesse. It’s like a strategic game of emotional teamwork, leading to a relationship as solid as a well-coordinated tug of war team.

On the flip side, there are those who “pull against” or, dare I say, “let go.” Imagine a tug of war partner dropping the rope or resisting the pull—it’s a recipe for a relationship breakdown. According to Gottman, these couples are more likely to find themselves on the losing end.

Hold up on the rope! Deciphering bids can be trickier than navigating the twists in a tug of war, especially when the bidder is stepping back from their own needs for connection. It’s like participating in a tug of war without a clear strategy; things get awkward, fast.

Now, let’s chat about conflicts and negative vibes—the unexpected twists in the tug of war game. Conflicts are like sudden maneuvers that spice up the tug of war, and negative vibes are the dips and dives making it interesting. It’s not about avoiding them but about knowing the right pulls to make when the dynamics shift.

Gottman’s wisdom shines here—predicting relationship outcomes with a whopping 90 percent accuracy! It’s not about having a flawless tug of war strategy; it’s about knowing when to pull, resist, and navigate through the bid battle. The true champions are the couple’s adept at maneuvering the emotional tug of war with grace and humor.

So, the next time your partner throws a bid your way, don’t just stand there like a spectator. Grab that rope, pull them closer with a smile! Embrace the tug of war, bid battles and all, because it’s the unpredictable dynamics that make the journey worthwhile.

In the end, it’s not about being the strongest puller; it’s about being the best tug of war partner. Big kudos to Gottman for revealing the strategic moves that lead to a relationship more like a victorious tug of war team than a chaotic bid battle. Lace up your emotional boots, grab that rope, and let the relationship tug of war begin!

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Mondy Dorsainvil

I'm a Licensed Master Social Worker (LMSW) with over 12 years of experience in helping individuals, couples, and families navigate the complexities of their lives. Specializing in communication, conflict resolution, intimacy issues, and parenting challenges, I offer evidence-based and culturally sensitive therapeutic interventions tailored to each client’s unique needs. My approach is systemic and strengths-based, focusing on leveraging inherent strengths to achieve personal and relational goals. Committed to professional development, I stay abreast of the latest research and practices in Marriage and Family Therapy, including LGBTQ+ affirmative therapy. Join me here as we explore insightful strategies for positive change and personal growth.


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